Golfers database
Golfers Mailing List
Delivering the highest standard of list performance, reach the most active list of U.S golfers, Unmatched open and click rates, Target by avid golfers, private club members, low-handicap golfers, high handicap golfers, selects derived from self-reported data. Passionate about golf, these consumers requested and expect only the very best of golf and other travel/leisure-related offers.
Subscriber Profile / Demographics
- Demographics
- Golf Activities
- Buying Habits
Demographics |
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Audience Direct Mail |
1,950,000 3,659,000 |
Gender | |
Male |
82% 18% |
Age | |
49 (average) |
Household Income | |
$206,000 (average) |
Net Worth | |
$596,000 (average) |
Education | |
82% have attended college or hold degrees |
Occupation | |
17% have their own business
Home Ownership | |
82% own their principal residence
18% own a second home or condo
Golf Activities |
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Playing Experience | |
Average number of years playing golf: 22 |
Rounds Played | |
Average rounds played (last 12 months): 45 |
Handicap | |
Average index: 15 |
Buying Habits |
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Golf Equipment | |
Own an average of the following clubs:
36% own or plan to buy custom-fitted clubs 91% buy golf balls by the dozen Average amount spent on golf equipment (last 12 months): $750 |
Golf Apparel | |
Average number of golf shirts purchased (last 12 months): 9 Average amount spent on golf apparel (last 12 months): $559 |
Investments | |
65% invest in stocks Average securities transactions per year: 11 |
Vehicles Owned | |
Average amount spent on most recent vehicle purchase: $29,000 Type of vehicle most recently purchased: SUV- 32% 40% are considering the purchase of lease of a new vehicle in the next year. |
Travel Activities |
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Golf travel | |
On Average take 1 to 3 golf trips a year
Top golf destinations | |
Additional travel features | |
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